Tuesday 17 April 2012

Dotting Tool with Free Rhinostones and Heart Pearl

At Last.. my dotting tool arrived today...

I bought it through Gmarket on 18 March 2012 during Time Sale. Few days later I was approached by a post lady at my doorstep. She told me someone send a parcel to me but the stamp they pay was not enough. I have to top up $1.55 in order to receive the parcel.

I was wondering is it their trick to put the item on sale and then asked the seller to pay for the postage. I rejected the item and it was return to the sender. Then I report to Gmarket asking for clarification.
It seems like the seller page 'question and answer', few buyer had the same problems. The seller actually asked for receipt of payment of the $1.55 and they will make a refund. For my case, as I didn't top up the postage fee, they said they need to wait for the item to be returned. It took one month for the item to be back to the seller. I think my dotting tools go around Singapore before reach back to the seller at Yishun.

And Today .. I received it.. It took 30 days to reach me...
It came with a little note to say sorry, Rhinostones and an extra 3D Nail Art - Heart Pearl.

Dotting Tools with Rhinostones and Heart Pearl


Heart Pearl

Can't wait to try it on.... Wait for my review...

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